Notes: General stitch length is 2.5cm, and will be used unless otherwise indicated (for gathering purposes) and the general seam allowance is 1cm and will be used unless otherwise stated.
Step One: Lay out the fabric and identify the right side and grainline (which is usually parallel to the selvedge). Place the pattern pieces on the fabric according to the grainline. It is also important to match up the pattern pieces with the patterns on the fabric and to place the pieces all in the same direction of the fabric so it all lines up properly. Make sure to read the cutting instructions on the pattern piece to see if it is cut on the fold, or cut one single so you can place it appropriately.
Step Two: Trace around the pattern pieces with tailor's chalk, and cut out the pieces. For this garment, there will be one pair of fronts (one left and one right), one pair of backs (one left and one right) and two ties. There needs to be a pair of fronts and backs as they will be bagged out.
Step Three: Cut out fusing pieces and fuse the relevant fabric pieces, which in this case, are both of the ties and one front and one back.
Step Four: Fold one of the ties in half longwise, and plain sew with a 1cm seam allowance around the 3 edges, leaving a 10cm gap in the middle to turn through. Turn the tie through and press flat. Topstitch around the three edges, and secure the open gap at this time as well. Repeat this step for the other tie.
Step Five: Take one front and one back and pin them together at the side seam. Make sure that the right sides are together. Plain sew the side seam with a 1cm seam. Press the seam open and flat. Repeat with the other front and back, making sure that the front and back are opposite to the first ones.
Step Six: Lie one set of the front and back on a table with the right sides facing upward and lie the other front and back set on top, making sure that all right sides are connected. Pin all along the top edge and hem edge, leaving the small edges open as well as a small space on the hem to turn through. Plain sew the pinned areas with a 1cm seam allowance.
Step Seven: Turn the entire garment through using either of the small edges or the hem edge left open. Carefully press the garment so that the inner edges do not show on the outside. At this point, check to see that there are no unintentional tucks or mistakes in the garment, as they are easier to fix at this stage.
Step Eight: Turn the wrap piece back to the inside. Pin one of the ties onto the notch of the small edge and repeat with the other. Plain sew the small edges closed. Using the small hem edge opening, turn the entire garment back through. Press the small opening seam allowances so they line up with the finished hem edge of the garment and topstitch to close the gap.
Step Nine: Give the entire garment a thorough press, on both sides of the front and back. It is also important to focus on ensuring that the ties are flat and even.